Canadian Wheat Research Coalition

The CWRC Organizations

The Canadian Wheat Research Coalition (CWRC) is a collaboration between the Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission, Alberta Grains and Manitoba Crop Alliance.

About the CWRC 

The CWRC facilitates a collaborative approach to producer funding of regional and national research projects in variety development and agronomy, including core wheat breeding agreements with universities, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and the Canadian National Wheat Cluster under AAFC’s Canadian Agricultural Partnership program and successor programming. Additional regional projects that align with variety development and agronomic priorities will also be considered for funding through the CWRC.

The Canadian National Wheat Cluster

Learn about this group of industry-led research projects submitted by various research institutions (universites and AAFC research centres).

Learn More

Latest News

CWRC to administer new, $20-million Canadian National Wheat Cluster

March 6, 2024 (Carman, MB; Saskatoon, SK; Calgary, AB) – Valuable wheat research across the country will receive crucial funding through the newly announced Canadian National Wheat Cluster, worth more than $20 million over five years. Administered by the Canadian Wheat Research Coalition (CWRC), the Wheat Cluster will fund research projects that advance wheat genetics, …

CWRC Appoints New President, Transitions Host Duties To MCA

May 25, 2023 (Carman, MB; Saskatoon, SK;Calgary, AB) – The Canadian Wheat Research Coalition (CWRC) – a collaboration between the Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC), Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission (Sask Wheat) and Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA) – has appointed a new president, following the transition of hosting duties from AWC to MCA. Lori-Ann Kaminski, research program …

New Study Shows Strong Return on Farmers’ Investments in Wheat Breeding

March 21, 2022 (Calgary, AB; Saskatoon, SK; Carman, MB) – According to a new study, western Canadian farmers have received nearly $33 in return through varietal improvements for every dollar they invested in wheat breeding. In 2021, the Canadian Wheat Research Coalition (CWRC), which includes the Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission, Alberta Wheat Commission, and Manitoba …

Prairie Wheat Research Groups Commit $3.5 Million to the University of Manitoba for Wheat Breeding Activities

August 31, 2021 (Calgary, AB; Saskatoon, SK; Carman, MB; Winnipeg, MB) – The Canadian Wheat Research Coalition (CWRC), alongside the Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF) and the Saskatchewan Winter Cereals Development Commission (SWCDC), have committed funding to a core breeding agreement with the University of Manitoba (UM). Valued at over $3.5 million over five years, …
